An evidence-based herbal medicine system

Discover TEAMTM
Chinese medicine, TCM, acupuncture, online learning course, CEUs, continuing Education units, CPD, CPD, Continuing Professional development, Continuing Professional Education, Chinese medicine practitioner, Chinese herbs, herbal medicine,

TEAM™ is the restoration of an authentic and forgotten ancient medical science, developed to identify herbal structures for the treatment of disease.

Systematic approach

Access to carefully curated learning tools

Our modular program provides the foundation for understanding Traditional East Asian Medicine, and helps break down a 2500-year-old barrier to assist healthcare practitioners and the general public alike in understanding the true and correct application of herbs.

An ancient, evidence-based approach to herbs

The TEAM™ Certification will teach you how to identify herbal structures, link them with disease presentations, and restore natural function, using a systematic methodology that has been tested, refined, and reinforced over centuries.

A revolutionary app to help implement the TEAM™ approach

With our proprietary app, you can quickly and easily access support and information on any aspect of the TEAM™ program, including assistance in applying our trademarked step-by-step method to identify formula-disease patterns.

A dedicated and expanding world-wide community

As part of your learning journey you’ll join a growing community of like-minded people and practitioners, all of whom are dedicated to the research and development of this ancient medical practice.

Chinese medicine, TCM, acupuncture, online learning course, CEUs, continuing Education units, CPD, CPD, Continuing Professional development, Continuing Professional Education, Chinese medicine practitioner, Chinese herbs, herbal medicine,

The Educational Program

Using a blend of statements, stories, illustrations, case studies, and descriptions by Todo Yoshimasu and his associates, we will help you understand and apply forgotten and undervalued medical concepts, including disease toxins, herbal toxins, formula-disease patterns, detoxification reactions, restoring natural function, and the art of medicine itself.

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Module 1: Theory

You will learn the story of Todo Yoshimasu, and discover how and why he dedicated his life to the pursuit of returning Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and other forms of contempory herbal medicine to its ancient medical science roots. Along with Yoshimasu’s story and philosophy, you will become familiar with passages recorded by Yoshimasu to clarify basic concepts for both the general public and medical doctors; answers to questions by Yoshimasu, which provide a deeper explanation of clinical and theoretical challenges; corrections to numerous medical books collected by Yoshimasu that have misled TCM practitioners for centuries; replies to letters by Yoshimasu that discuss philosophy and the art of medicine; and contributions by recognised TEAM medical authorities, including Nangai Yoshimasu, Kinzan Murai, Tsuruta Genitsu, Nakanishi Shinsai, Bunrei Inana, Yoshitora Wakuda, Damien Bell and more.

Module 2: Herbs

In the Herb Module, you will learn how each herb is understood and used according to its specific toxic nature. Then we further expand on herb primary and secondary indications, tongue and abdominal presentations; recorded formula lines for each herb; corrections by Yoshimasu on books and teachings from renowned TCM herbalists who have mislead medical doctors for centuries; recorded formula patterns and dosage structures as they relate to the severity of disease presentation; and comments and further explanations by Nangai Yoshimasu and Damien Bell to help explain theoretical fundamentals.

Module 3: Formulas

The Formula Module explores the method used to identify and connect formula structures to disease presentations according to evidence-based indications. It is broken into the following sections for each formula: formula dosages, primary and secondary indications, tongue and abdominal presentation; ancient recorded lines that outline and identify key indications for each formula; recorded patterns by Todo Yoshimasu and Nangai Yoshimasu; recorded case studies by Todo Yoshimasu and Nangai 
Yoshimasu; and comments by Nangai Yoshimasu, Damien Bell and others where herbal methods have been repeatedly proven in a clinical setting.

Module 4: Abdominal Examination

Abdominal examination is the best objective method of locating obstructed disease toxins, and understanding how their presentation relates to particular formula-disease patterns. In this module, you will learn how to identify various abdominal presentations; palpation principles and how to locate and understand variations; how to differentiate between certain sensations and reactions; how to connect questions, tongue coating and abdominal; abdominal herb patterns and their corresponding dosages and relationships; abdominal formula patterns, as well as when and how modifications are used; and how to identify when a disease toxin has resolved, and when a formula prescription should be discontinued.

How the certification works

Our program is the first step on a potentially life-long learning journey along a pathway built on a method reinforced over centuries of repetition and examination.

We have taken great care in creating this program to provide a strong foundation for understanding the original intention of herbs. Whether you intend to become a TEAM™ certified practitioner in order to help your patients, or simply to further your own education and understanding, you will be taking an important step towards restoring an ancient herbal medical science.


Start the journey

Once you register, you can log in immediately and begin the TEAM™ certification course. You’ll have access to our student forum and subscription-based app, while we organise to express ship your TEAM™ materials to your door, free of charge, anywhere in the world.


Do the reading

Our beautifully designed modular boxset contains the current TEAM™ course with additional pages for personal ideas and note-taking. We have found that providing a physical version of the learning course offers students a richer, more interactive learning experience, which enables better concentration, engagement, and retention.

Chinese medicine, TCM, acupuncture, online learning course, CEUs, continuing Education units, CPD, CPD, Continuing Professional development, Continuing Professional Education, Chinese medicine practitioner, Chinese herbs, herbal medicine

Test your understanding

We have included specific examination points throughout the course, to ensure that you understand the relevant material well enough before you encounter new and more advanced knowledge. This allows you to build up your understanding, thoroughly and systematically, on a foundation reinforced by these checkpoints.


Join the TEAM™

Once you have completed the course and passed all relevant assessments, you become a certified member of TEAM™. Your business and contact information will be listed on our site, and you can join our ever-growing community of dedicated people and practitioners.


Cultivate and contribute

Reinforce your knowledge by revisiting what you learn in our program, and contribute to the advancement of TEAM™ as a whole by submitting your own clinical findings and thoughts via the TEAM™ app for review and consideration by established TEAM™ practitioners around the world.

Chinese medicine, TCM, acupuncture, online learning course, CEUs, continuing Education units, CPD, CPD, Continuing Professional development, Continuing Professional Education, Chinese medicine practitioner, Chinese herbs, herbal medicine
Chinese medicine, TCM, acupuncture, online learning course, CEUs, continuing Education units, CPD, CPD, Continuing Professional development, Continuing Professional Education, Chinese medicine practitioner, Chinese herbs, herbal medicine

The TEAM™ app is a powerful application designed to provide support and access to information on all aspects of the TEAM™ model for enrolled students and certified members. It offers a range of features tailored to your specific needs, empowering you to make informed decisions to enhance your practice and facilitate knowledge sharing. 

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Do I need any previous knowledge before I start the course?


No. Our program builds your knowledge from a beginner level. It does not matter if you are a practitioner of herbal medicine with years of experience, a medical doctor, or someone who has never engaged with this field of science before – in fact, our study guide provides  step-by-step actions and mindsets required to understand any herb, formula, or abdominal stucture with ease.


How is TEAM different from TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and other forms of herbal medicine?


We are not establishing a new approach to herbal medicine. We are simply restoring what has been forgotten, to benefit those who seek to learn or experience the true application of herbs in the treatment of disease. While most practitioners base their treatment methods on assumptions and imagination, our treatment strategy is to align a disease pattern with a herbal structure, based on factual indications to restore natural function.


How many modules are included?


There are five modules. The primary modules include: Theory, Herbs, Formulas, and Abdominal Examination. These modules form a curriculum that will help you on your journey to understanding and applying TEAM’s methods. These core modules are assisted by the Study Guide. This essential module introduces the structure and topics covered in each module and provides guidance on how to inform and enhance your understanding and practice.


How is the learning course priced?


The total investment for the TEAM certification course is $3,200 USD, which includes immediate access to the TEAM learning portal and the postage and handling of the TEAM™ module box set. There are two payment options: Full payment or buy now and pay later with four instalments.


Is the course eligible for CEUs (Continuing Education Units) and CPDs (Continuing Professional Development)?


We are registered for 66 PDA points in the USA and 66 CPE points in Australia (coming soon).

This is based on the experience of our team of education professionals and experts who have helped to bring the course materials together. We have worked hard to develop each module into a technical learning module with the appropriate examination questions for student certificate level comprehension.

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