Systematic approach
Our modular program provides the foundation for understanding Traditional East Asian Medicine, and helps break down a 2500-year-old barrier to assist healthcare practitioners and the general public alike in understanding the true and correct application of herbs.
We have taken great care in creating this program to provide a strong foundation for understanding the original intention of herbs. Whether you intend to become a TEAM™ certified practitioner in order to help your patients, or simply to further your own education and understanding, you will be taking an important step towards restoring an ancient herbal medical science.
Do I need any previous knowledge before I start the course?
No. Our program builds your knowledge from a beginner level. It does not matter if you are a practitioner of herbal medicine with years of experience, a medical doctor, or someone who has never engaged with this field of science before – in fact, our study guide provides step-by-step actions and mindsets required to understand any herb, formula, or abdominal stucture with ease.
How is TEAM different from TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and other forms of herbal medicine?
We are not establishing a new approach to herbal medicine. We are simply restoring what has been forgotten, to benefit those who seek to learn or experience the true application of herbs in the treatment of disease. While most practitioners base their treatment methods on assumptions and imagination, our treatment strategy is to align a disease pattern with a herbal structure, based on factual indications to restore natural function.
How many modules are included?
There are five modules. The primary modules include: Theory, Herbs, Formulas, and Abdominal Examination. These modules form a curriculum that will help you on your journey to understanding and applying TEAM’s methods. These core modules are assisted by the Study Guide. This essential module introduces the structure and topics covered in each module and provides guidance on how to inform and enhance your understanding and practice.
How is the learning course priced?
The total investment for the TEAM certification course is $3,200 USD, which includes immediate access to the TEAM learning portal and the postage and handling of the TEAM™ module box set. There are two payment options: Full payment or buy now and pay later with four instalments.
Is the course eligible for CEUs (Continuing Education Units) and CPDs (Continuing Professional Development)?
We are registered for 66 PDA points in the USA and 66 CPE points in Australia (coming soon).
This is based on the experience of our team of education professionals and experts who have helped to bring the course materials together. We have worked hard to develop each module into a technical learning module with the appropriate examination questions for student certificate level comprehension.