Todo Yoshimasu emphasized that pregnancy, like any natural state, should be understood by identifying what inhibits this natural function, rather than simply prescribing “fertility” herbs.
He was instructed by a student of his father, Nozu Yujun, in the treatment methods of obstetrics and metal sores. Todo remarked, “Pregnancy is a natural function for women and metal sores are simply metal-inflicted wounds. These are just disease names; only when an obstructed disease toxin manifests are toxic herbs required.Furthermore, why divide medicine into different disciplines?”
The misunderstanding that some herbs are more advantageous than others in the treatment of infertility is widespread. In just the past few years, with hundreds of successful infertility cases treated using this ancient evidence-based method, it has become clear to me that when the presentation is correctly identified, the outcome is consistently positive, regardless of the herbal structure used.
Todo Yoshimasu stated, “I once caused controversy across Japan for using Shi Gao (Gypsum)in an infertility case. What TCM practitioners fail to understand is that infertility is merely a disease name, and you should never treat a presentation based on its name, nor should you believe one can ‘nourish’ or ‘support’ a natural function with toxic herbs.”
This patient became pregnant soon after the formula prescription.
There have been numerous examples where formula structures others would not have considered for infertility that produced positive outcomes. For example, only a few months ago, there was a middle-aged woman who had been trying to conceive for over three years. She presented with chronic watery loose stools, vexation and agitation, aversion to cold, insomnia, and abdominal pain. The abdominal examination revealed responsive submerged pulsations above the umbilicus, a non responsive hard sphere shape in the upper epigastrium, responsive pain in the right lower rectus abdominal that referred to the lower back, abdominal distension without fullness that felt tight with rough skin, and irregular contracted worm shaped objects below the skin in the upper epigastrium (intestinal parasites). These combined signs and symptoms confirmed by the tongue coating and abdominal presentation aligned to the formula structure Wu Mei Wan.
Immediately, following the formula prescription, she expelled white stringy objects from the bowels. The watery loose stools, vexation and agitation, aversion to cold, insomnia, and abdominal pain had completely resolved the following week. In two months, she confirmed that she was pregnant.
In recent months, formulas such as Si Ni San (Cold Reversal Powdered Blend), Chai Hu Gui Zhi Gan Jiang Tang (Bupleurum, Cinnamon, and Dried Ginger Blend), Zhi Zi Gan Cao Chi Tang (Gardenia, Licorice, and Soybean Blend), and Xiao Cheng QiTang (Minor Digestive System Blend) have been used successfully in cases of infertility, with no further formulas required. To understand the reasoning behind these formulas for infertility, one must understand the importance of the circulation of blood and bodily fluids in the pelvis lower body when preparing for conception.
Furthermore, the significance of the heart and small intestine in this process must be understood. When the heart pumps blood, approximately 25% of the cardiac output is directed to the gastrointestinal tract, including the small intestine. The small intestine typically operates at a temperature of around 37°C (98.6°F),which is vital for optimal enzymatic activity and nutrient absorption. In TEAM™, the small intestine is associated with warming the bodily fluids and blood in the pelvis lowerbody, what Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theoretically refer to as the“Ming Men” or “Kidney Yang”.
This relationship is important when you understand that if there is any restriction or obstruction, the natural movement of blood to the small intestine is impaire. In both Si Ni San (Cold Reversal Powdered Blend) and Chai Hu Gui Zhi Gan JiangTang (Bupleurum, Cinnamon, and Dried Ginger Blend) patterns, Chai Hu (BupleurumTwig) presents with responsive tightness and fullness below the hypochondrium. In Zhi Zi Gan Cao Chi Tang (Gardenia, Licorice, and Soybean Blend) patterns, Zhi Zi (Gardenia Fruit) presents with a non responsive vertical chevron shape in the upper region. In Xiao Cheng Qi Tang (Minor Digestive System Blend) patterns, DaHuang (Fresh Rhubarb Root) presents with responsive fullness in the upper epigastrium. In each example, there is an obstruction between the heart and small intestine, and if this relationship is compromised, the small intestine function is impaired and the temperature of blood and bodily fluids in the pelvic lower body are affected. Functional fluids in the pelvis lower body will cool and eventually become thick and turbid, or, if the pattern moves into the blood depth, blood will congeal and harden.
However, it is true most infertility presentations do follow patterns that require common “fertility” herbs and formula structures, but these herbs must be confirmed through questions, tongue coating, and abdominal examination. Todo’s reasoning as to why you should never divide medicine into different disciplines, is because firstly, never treat disease names, and secondly, it creates mental laziness that leads to having personal opinions or assumptions about a herb or formula. Always accurately reduce any disease presentation down to a single formula-disease pattern that is verified against the tongue coating and abdominal examination.
For example, Dang Gui (Angelica Root) must present with responsive pain in the right lower rectus abdominal that refers to the waist, lower back, or external genitals. Mu Dan Pi (Peony Root Bark) must present with responsive inflamed ovaries that feel large, which refers pain to the waist, lower back, or external genitals with pressure, and a yellow tongue coating. All herbs display structured signs and symptoms, linked to ancient formula structures, which are specifically formulated to clear obstructions and restore natural function.
This is why these formulas are imperative, and why they separate predetermined and non-predetermined disease presentations. Todo stated, “All herbs are toxic and are only prescribed to counterbalance and eliminate obstructed disease toxins. Conception happens once an obstructed toxin is removed, and natural function restores. The exception to restoring natural function and the inability to conceive is when one’s destiny has been predetermined, and medical doctors cannot influence matters governed by the heavens.”